The SACRAL Chakra

The chakras are considered as focal points of energy throughout the human body that play a crucial role in maintaining physical, emotional and spiritual balance and well-being. Today, we will focus on the sacral chakra, also known as the svadhishthana chakra.

“In the first chakra, we learned to ground, stabilize, and focus. Now, in the second chakra, our challenge is just the opposite—to let go—to flow and move, to feel, and to yield.” –Anodea Judith

Located in the lower abdomen, this energy centre is associated with the element of water and is responsible for our emotions, sexuality, and creativity. We feel emotionally balanced, creative, and can connect easily to others when the sacral chakra is balanced. When it is out of balance, we may feel emotionally blocked or have a lack of creativity, sensuality and joy.

Your yoga practice has an effect on the sacral chakra. Physical postures that involve fluidity, such as hip openers and spinal twists, can help to stimulate and balance the sacral chakra. Paying attention to the movement of the hips and the fluidity of the spine can also be helpful.

These are some of the yoga asanas that can help to stimulate and balance the sacral chakra:

  1. Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana): This seated hip opener helps to open and balance the sacral chakra, encouraging emotional balance and creativity.

  2. Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): This hip opener helps to release tension in the hips, encouraging emotional balance and sensuality.

  3. Camel Pose (Ustrasana): This kneeling backbend helps to open the front of the body, encouraging emotional balance and creativity.

  4. Twisted lunge (Ardha Hanumanasana): This standing pose helps to twist the spine, promoting fluidity and balance in the sacral chakra.

Breath work and visualisation can also be helpful for balancing the sacral chakra. For example, focusing on the sensation of the breath and the fluidity of the hips during your practise can help to bring a sense of balance to the sacral chakra. Visualising water or fluid movement can also help to restore emotional balance and sensuality.

Additionally, incorporating spiritual themes into your yoga practice, such as emotion and creativity, can help to bring a sense of balance and expression. Visualisation and affirmations, such as "I flow with the rhythms of life" or "I am open to new experiences", can also be helpful for balancing this chakra. The sacral chakra is also associated with the colour orange, which can be incorporated into your practise through the use of orange crystals, such as carnelian or moonstone, or by visualising an orange light in the lower abdomen during meditation.

Taking your practice off the mat, the sacral chakra can also be strengthened by spending time near bodies of water and immersing yourself in nature.


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